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Compare Broadband

You may be tempted to take the first attractive broadband offer you see, but there are many benefits to properly comparing broadband deals before you commit to a long contract.

Reasons to Compare Broadband Prices

At first glance, it may seem like your choice of broadband is obvious - what's cheapest? But there are many other factors you should consider before you commit to buy.

First of all, is this actually the cheapest? There often additional upfront costs like installation, equipment or even just postage and packaging. The price might also increase after the first 3 or 6 months of your contract, leaving you committed to paying the higher price for up to a year more.

Secondly, is this a guaranteed fixed price contract, or could the price you pay go up within the agreed minimum contract period? Usually if this happens, you're allowed to leave before the contract ends, forcing you to go through the whole comparison process all over again. But it's increasingly common to be told in the small print that the price will go up with inflation or that you're agreeing to the price being able to increase by a small amount.

This is where broadband comparison comes in. Our results tables display the details of every broadband deal in the same format. You can clearly see exactly how much the entire first year of your contract will cost, in a like-for-like comparison including any set up costs or fees that apply during the first year, and we'll let you know what's a fixed price contract and what isn't.

Availability of Fast Broadband

When you compare broadband in your area using our postcode checker above, you can filter out options that aren't available where you live and only compare what's actually relevant.

These days more and more ultra and hyperfast broadband technologies are rolling out across the country, so you may want to know if you're one of the lucky ones who can now get faster broadband, or if your current ultrafast provider is still the only fast broadband option where you live. Being able to compare your options and find a faster or equivalent product can help you get a better deal from your current provider, or switch to something better.

Other Types of Broadband Comparison

Price isn't your only consideration, there are many other factors that might influence your decision.

You might want the shortest contract possible, or to bundle television deals alongside your broadband package.

With tabbed broadband comparison tables like our availability checker's results, you can do the same kind of like-for-like comparison while also filtering out every bundle that doesn't include a TV service, or which has a longer contract.

If you'd prefer to have someone else talk you through your options you can also call us on 0800 031 6007 - or we can even call you! Our advisors will help you compare all the relevant factors and make a decision regarding which broadband deal is best for you and, for many providers, they can even sign you up over the phone.