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Accessibility statement

We want everyone who visits the Broadband Genie website to feel welcome and find the experience rewarding.

What are we doing?

To help us make the Broadband Genie website a positive place for everyone, we've been using the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0. These guidelines explain how to make web content more accessible for people with disabilities, and user-friendly for everyone.

The guidelines have three levels of accessibility (A, AA and AAA). We’ve chosen Level A as the target for the Broadband Genie website.

How are we doing? Let us know what you think

We've worked hard on the Broadband Genie website and believe we've achieved our goal of Level A accessibility. We monitor the site regularly to maintain this, but realise there may still be issues.

So whether you enjoyed using Broadband Genie, or had trouble with any part of it, please get in touch by emailing us at [email protected]. We'd love to hear from you.

Accessibility features


Keyboard Control

Your web browser provides methods of navigating web pages and accessing the browser's controls without the use of a mouse. The Broadband.co.uk site should not conflict with these keyboard controls in any way.

Common Keyboard Controls

Most web browsers, such as Internet Explorer, Firefox and Google Chrome, use a common set of keyboard shortcuts and controls:

  • Page Down and Page Up or Space and Shift+Space - Scroll the page down or up by one screen
  • Down Arrow and Up Arrow - Scroll the page down or up by one line
  • Tab and Shift+Tab - Navigate and give focus to the next or previous link, form field or form control
  • Enter - Visit the selected link, choose the selected menu item (in form drop downs) or submit the current form
  • Home and End - Skip to the start or end of the web page
  • Alt+Left Arrow and Alt+Right Arrow or Backspace and Shift+Backspace - Go back or forward one page (in Browser History)
  • F5 - Reload the page
  • Esc - Close any open dialog box or form drop down or stop the page currently loading
  • F6 or Alt+D - Give focus to the browser's address bar (or back to the web page)

Opera Keyboard Controls

The Opera web browser provides a different set keyboard controls allowing non-linear navigation between links:

  • Page Down and Page Up or Space and Shift+Space - Scroll the page down or up by one screen
  • Down Arrow and Up Arrow - Scroll the page down or up by one line
  • Shift+DownShift+UpShift+Left, and Shift+Right - Spatially navigate to the next link or form field in that direction
  • Tab and Shift+Tab - Navigate and give focus to the next form field (F9 to restore focus to the page)
  • Enter - Visit the selected link (Shift+Enter opens in a new tab) or submit the current form
  • Home and End - Skip to the start or end of the web page
  • Alt+Left Arrow and Alt+Right Arrow or Backspace and Shift+Backspace - Go back or forward one page (in Browser History)
  • F5 or Ctrl+R - Reload the page
  • Esc - Close any open dialog box or stop the currently loading page
  • F8 - Give focus to the browser's address bar
  • F9 - Give focus to the web page (from the address bar or a form field)

NB, on Apple Mac computers the Command key should be used in the place of Ctrl.


Text Resizing

Web browsers provide controls to enlarge or reduce the zoom level of web pages.

Browser Controls

Your web browser should provide controls to zoom the entire page including any text. These are often found in the main menu usually accessed by a top right cog icon or menu icon, or from a 'View' item in the top menu bar. Resizing controls are sometimes under a sub-heading 'Zoom' and are controlled by clicking a percentage zoom figure, by clicking plus or minus icons or by selecting 'Zoom in' or 'Zoom out'.

Keyboard Shortcuts

There will likely also be keyboard shortcuts provided by your browser. Most commonly these are Ctrl++ (The Ctrl key or Command on a Mac held down at the same time as the plus or equals key) to increase the text size or zoom level, Ctrl+- to reduce the size and Ctrl+0 to reset the size or zoom level back to default. On the Opera browser, + on the numpad or keyboard increases the zoom level, - reduces the zoom level and * resets it to default.

Mousewheel or Touch Zooming

Most browsers also allow resizing to be controlled by holding down the Ctrl (or Command) key and scrolling the mouse-wheel up or down. Touch devices should allow you to adjust the zoom level by pinching and expanding the page using two fingers. Double tapping on particular areas of text may also zoom to make them larger.