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Review Guidelines

These guidelines apply to all reviews submitted to and published on Broadband Genie (formerly Broadband.co.uk).

1: Who can write a review?

You may write a review for any eligible company who you have had first hand experience of within the last 12 months. Such as:

  • You have purchased a supply or service from the company
  • You have placed an order with the company
  • You have received service from the company

You may only write about your own first hand experience.

You may not leave a review about the service experience for any other customer.

You may not leave a review for any company you work for (whether directly employed or as a sub-contractor or employee of a sub-contractor).

You may not leave a review for any company which is a direct competitor of your company or any company you work for (whether directly employed or as a sub-contractor or employee of a sub-contractor).

2: Which companies are eligible for review?

We only accept reviews for companies that provide data and/or telecommunications services in the United Kingdom. Examples of such services are:

  • ADSL broadband connections.
  • Fibre Optic broadband connections.
  • Cable broadband connections.
  • Mobile broadband connections (3G, 4G, 5G etc).
  • Satellite broadband connections.
  • Wireless broadband connections.
  • Fixed line telephone voice services.
  • Mobile telephone voice services.

3: Do you moderate reviews?

All reviews are pre-moderated before being posted on site.

We reserve the right to not publish your review if:

  • We believe that you are ineligible to leave a review as determined by point 1 “Who can write a review?”.
  • The review contains offensive, violent, racist, political or sexist language.
  • The review contains links to other webpages and websites.
  • The review does not relate to the company you have selected.
  • The review identifies named individuals.
  • The review contains contact details such as email addresses, phone numbers, addresses, banking information, account numbers etc.
  • The review is difficult for others to read and understand.
  • The review is a duplicate review.
  • You leave multiple reviews of a similar nature in quick succession.
  • Your review is not believed to be genuine.

We reserve the right to edit reviews before publishing to remove:

  • Offensive, violent, racist, political or sexist language.
  • Links to other web-pages and websites.
  • The identities of named individuals.
  • Contact details and personal information such as email addresses, phone numbers, addresses, banking information, account numbers etc.
  • Correct spelling mistakes if appropriate.
  • Correct capitalisation if appropriate.

We will never:

  • Change the tone of a review (e.g. from positive language to negative language).
  • Alter the star ratings given to a company in a review

We may contact you using the email address you have provided when leaving the review to ask you to confirm the details contained within the review or your eligibility to leave the review. As part of this we may ask for documentary evidence. We will not share this documentary evidence with the company being reviewed or any other third party company.

4: What will be shown with a review?

Approved reviews will be displayed publicly on the website under the name and location you gave and will indicate the broadband provider you reviewed.

Ratings entered as part of a review will be displayed alongside the review.

5: How else may you use a review?

We may opt make your review a feature review and give it additional prominence on our site or include it in the content of our email newsletter or other promotional materials.

The company you review may choose to feature your review, in part or in whole, on their own websites or social media profiles.

6: Do you ever alter or remove a review after it has been posted?

Occasionally our pre-moderation process will miss infractions. When these infractions are brought to our attention we will go back and either edit or remove the review as is deemed appropriate.

7: Moving reviews from one company profile to another

When it is clear that you have left the review for the wrong company we will move the review to the correct company profile.

8: Will you ever share my details with the company which I am reviewing?

We will never share your details with the company you are reviewing without your permission.

9: I want to change or edit my review, what do I do?

If you wish to change a review that you have written then please contact us and we will edit or remove the review for you.

10: I want to report a review that breaches these guidelines, what do I do?

If you wish to report a review then please contact us with details of the review and why you believe it breaches our guidelines. We will investigate and take any appropriate action.

11: I want to review a company that does not appear available for review

If you want to review a company that does not appear in the list of reviewable companies then please contact us with details of the company. If the company meets our eligibility guidelines we will add it to the reviewable list.

12: Changes to these guidelines

We reserve the right to make changes to these guidelines without notice. All changes will be detailed on this webpage.

13: Reviewers responsibilities and guarantees

When leaving a review, you warrant that:

  • The contents of the review are true and a genuine reflection of your experience with the company being reviewed.
  • That any opinions given in the review are fair and honestly held.
  • That the review is your own personal review and is in no way the opinion of Broadband Genie or Broadband.co.uk.

When leaving a review, you accept that:

  • You are solely liable for the content of the review.
  • The review may be moderated to remove content that violates these guidelines.
  • If the review is edited during moderation it does not pass any liability onto Broadband Genie or Broadband.co.uk.

14: Acceptance

The act of leaving a review constitutes your acceptance of these Guidelines and any future changes to them.